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Odyssey Innovative Designs® Legal, Privacy Disclosure and Disclaimer

Legal Disclaimer: While we strive for accuracy, it is possible that the information on our site may contain errors or omissions. We disclaim any liability for any such errors or omissions. Companies, products and logos shown and mentioned within our website may be the trademarks of their respective companies and/or owners. Electronic and audio equipment, CD’s, LP’s and other gear displayed within our products or near our products are not included and are intended for illustration, demonstration or display purposes only. The information on this site is provided solely for general illustrative and instructional purposes only, and does not create a business or professional services relationship. Business practice, business challenges, technology, regulations and laws vary by country and change from time to time, and compliance with such standards depends on the particular circumstances. Any reliance on the information in this site is solely at the user’s own risk. This site contains links to servers maintained by other organizations. Odyssey Innovative Designs® cannot and does not provide any warranty about the accuracy or source of information found on any of these servers or the content of any file that you might choose to download from a third party site. Odyssey Innovative Designs® assumes no responsibility, and shall not be liable for any damages to or viruses that may infect or affect users computer or other property on account of users access to, use of, or browsing in the website or user downloading of any materials, images, text, data, video or audio from the website. All information included in or linked to this website was to the best of Odyssey Innovative Designs® knowledge timely and accurate when included in or linked to this website. The passage of time however may render all things stale and Odyssey Innovative Designs® is not responsible for any mis-impressions which may result from the reading of outdated material. You should carefully check the dates of issuance and/or posting of any press releases, articles, reports and other information included in or linked to this website. All editorial graphics and content on this website are proprietary to Odyssey Innovative Designs®. These materials are protected by U.S. copyright and may not be reproduced, copied, used or transmitted in whole or in part without the express written consent of Odyssey Innovative Designs® which reserves all rights. Re-use of any of Odyssey Innovative Designs® editorial content and graphics online for any purpose is strictly prohibited. Any unauthorized use of the text, images, audio and video may violate copyright, trademark, publicity and privacy laws including but not limited to civil and criminal statutes. Links to this website should not be made without written permission of Odyssey Innovative Designs®. Please direct your request to webmaster@odysseygear.com. The “Odyssey” name and logo are trademarks or service marks of Odyssey Innovative Designs®. All other trademarks or service marks used or referred to on this website are the property of their respective owners. Nothing contained on this website should be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license or right of use of any trademark or service mark displayed on the website without the written permission of Odyssey Innovative Designs® or such third party owners. Odyssey Innovative Designs® reserves the right to modify or amend this Disclaimer at any time and for any reason. Any changes to this Disclaimer posted on the website apply at the time they are posted. By continuing to use the website after any changes are posted, user acknowledges acceptance of those changes.

Privacy Policy: The following statement discloses the information gathering and dissemination practices for www.odyusa.co and Odyssey Innovative Designs®.

Collection of data and IP Addresses: Odyssey Innovative Designs® will collect visitors’ IP addresses to help diagnose problems with servers and to administer its website. IP addresses will not be used for any purposes other than these.

Information Collected from forms: www.odyusa.co uses forms for visitors to request information, products and services. Depending on the service, product or information visitors request, visitors’ contact information (e-mail addresses or telephone numbers) or financial information (credit card numbers) will be collected. Contact information from these forms is used to send orders and information about Odyssey Innovative Designs® to customers. Visitor contact information is also used to contact them when necessary. Visitors may opt out of receiving future mailings. Financial information that is collected is used to bill the user for products and services at our Parts Store.

Cookies: www.odyusa.co uses cookies and our Parts Store regularly uses Cookies for functionality. The pages on ww.odyssey-parts.com called “The Odyssey Parts Store”, uses technology which employs cookies to make the store shopping cart function.

Contests: Sometimes www.odyusa.co may run contests or drawings in which visitors are requested to provide contact information (e-mail addresses). Visitors contact information is used to contact the visitor when necessary. This information will not be shared with or sold to other parties. Users may opt-out of receiving future mailings by contacting us at info@odysseygear.com.

Links to other sites: www.odyusa.co often contains links to other sites. www.odyusa.co and Odyssey Innovative Designs ® is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such websites.

Security: www.odyusa.co strictly protects the security of your personal information within the confines of the www.odyusa.co domain and honors your choices for its intended use. We carefully protect your data from loss, misuse, unauthorized access, alteration or destruction. We also protect your data from disclosure with exception only in matters where designated by law or court order. www.odyusa.co and Odyssey Innovative Designs® provide users the opportunity to opt-out of receiving communications from Odyssey Innovative Designs® at the point where information is delivered to the visitor. Odyssey Innovative Designs® gives users the following options for removing their information from our database in order to not receive future communications.

  • Visitors can send e-mail to webmaster@odysseygear.com
  • Visitors can send mail to our postal address at Odyssey Innovative Designs. 809 W Santa Anita St. San Gabriel, CA 91776
  • Visitors can call the following telephone number: 626-588-2528.

Privacy of customer data: In order to process the purchases from our Parts Site, certain information is necessarily collected by Odyssey Innovative Designs®. We retain records of our buyers and these records may contain any or all of the following information: names, addresses, phone numbers, credit card numbers or other relative identifying information. We do not sell or share this information with any advertisers or advertising agencies. If a customer places a request for customer service, the information that may be collected is: e-mail address, name, phone number, correspondence records and technical information such as electronic gear make and model or other gear being used with the products that we manufacture. This information is voluntarily given by the customer and is used by Odyssey Innovative Designs® only for the purpose of assisting the customer with his or her problems. This information is not used for any other purpose. Information collected by our customer service department is never shared or sold to other parties.